Hippo and Crocodile, two native creatures of Africa are considered to be the most powerful animals. Thus, the question OF Who Would Win in a fight intrigues the population, wildlife enthusiasts and other individuals. It is to be noted that hippos have an advantage of being twice as heavy as a crocodile. On the other hand, crocodiles have great speed, agility and a powerful bite. The post below displays necessary differences between their size, range and habitat, food habits, behaviours and strengths that also help decide the winner of the fight.
Hippo & Crocodile
Characteristic | Hippo | Crocodile |
Class | Mammal | Reptile |
Trunk Colour | Brown | Olive Grey |
Consumer | Vegetarians | Carnivores |
Body Shape | Round | Long, Pointy |
Weight | 3000 – 9000 pounds | 500 – 1300 pounds |
Height | 4-55 feet | 12-19 inches |
Length | 10.5 – 16.5 feet | 12.5- 19.5 feet |
Speed On Land | 22 mph | 22 mph |
Speed In Water | 5mph | 15 mph |
Bite Power | 1800 PSI | 3700 PSI |
Number of Teeth | 36 | 64-68 |
Strengths | Size, Aggressiveness, Thick skin | Camouflage, Bite strength, Scaly Back |
Senses | Great sense of smell, strong underwater eyesight and hearing | String night vision, pressure receptors |

Assets and Liabilities of the Animals
Both animals are strong and huge. However, there are some characteristics that distinguish one from another in a way that one remains powerful than the other. It has been seen that some crocodiles kill and eat hippos. On the other hand, hippos have been found to pick over the tails of the crocodiles, pretending to use them as toothpicks. Some baby hippos have also been observed to be playing around crocodiles only if they are protected by adult hippos. If not protected, the crocodiles may hunt and eat the hippos. The only liability faced by crocodiles is that they are very low to the ground.
Whereas, hippos remain the dominant ones. The biggest asset to hippos is their weight. Hippos are observed to have a round shaped body and weigh about twice as that of a crocodile.
Hippos vs Crocodile: On Land & In Water
The two animals are found to coexist in a stalemate. As they have different characteristics such as different behaviours and speeds on land and in water, the result depends on the circumstances and environment of the encounter.
On Land: If the fight is on land, then hippos have a clear advantage as they are agile. Though their speeds on land may be similar, because of a huge body, hippos cover the ground easily. Additionally, the hippos have quick reflexes which help them dominate and win over the fight on land.
In water: For a fight in water, crocodiles have an advantage over the hippos as they have more number of teeth and a high speed under water as compared to hippos. Additionally, crocodiles are fast swimmers and have death roll and ambush abilities, which makes them a strong opponent.
The Ultimate Winner of the Showdown
As per records and observations, the hippo is likely to win 9 out of 10 times the fight happens. Be it on land or in water, hippos have a high chance of winning against the crocodile as they have a bigger and heavier body than the crocodiles. Though the crocodiles have a stronger bite and great speed in water as compared to hippos, the aggressive behaviour of hippos helps them win over the crocodiles. Despite the fact that crocodiles have more teeth and strong biting strength, the strong senses, bigger size and quick reflexes of the hippos help them win the fight.
Who is the ultimate winner of the fight between Hippo and Crocodile?
The Hippos are likely to win over the Crocodiles.
What characteristics make Hippos a winner over the Crocodiles?
The big size of Hippos, up to twice the size of crocodiles, great agility and strong reflexes help the hippos win over the fight.
Who is likely to win if the fight is on land?
Though the speed of both animals is similar, the hippos are likely to win due to bigger bodies.
Who is likely to win if the fight is in water?
The crocodiles have more teeth and more speed than hippos in water. However, the strong biting force and huge body of hippos helps them win over the crocodiles in water.