9 Facts About Bionic Tower – Know Structure, Purpose & Interesting Facts

9 Facts About Bionic Tower

The Bionic Tower is a proposed vertical building estimated to be about 400 metres taller than the tallest building – Burj Khalifa. It has been carefully designed by Eloy Celaya, Maria Rosa and Javier Gomez in a way that combines cutting-edge technology and natural principles to produce environmentally friendly, sustainable skyscrapers. These buildings have been … Read more

Dog vs Cat – Who Would Win?

Dog vs Cat Who Would Win?

A dog vs. cat fight is often a topic of interest among animal lovers. While dogs are generally known for their loyalty and strength, cats are highly known for their agility and independence.  In many households, dogs and cats live together peacefully, with their relationship built on mutual respect. However, when it comes to a … Read more

Banned Cartoons List 2025 – Know Reasons For Ban & Complete List

Banned Cartoons List 2025 - Know Complete List

Cartoons serve as a source of entertainment for various age groups including children and adults. One can enjoy their free time by watching different cartoons. However, some of these are found to be banned due to multiple reasons. The sole reason for which is the presentation of violent, controversial or inappropriate content. Additionally, some cartoons … Read more

Hippo vs Crocodile: Who Would Win?

Hippo vs Crocodile Who Would Win

Hippo and Crocodile, two native creatures of Africa are considered to be the most powerful animals. Thus, the question OF Who Would Win in a fight intrigues the population, wildlife enthusiasts and other individuals. It is to be noted that hippos have an advantage of being twice as heavy as a crocodile. On the other … Read more

What Makes an Employee Valuable? – Know Good Employee Traits

What Makes an Employee Valuable?

Behind every successful organisation, there is teamwork and dedication of the employees. Employees and their efforts together play a significant role in accomplishing goals and promoting growth of a firm or business. Having a dedicated team is the very first step that should be taken by a team to reach milestones. The employees contribute towards … Read more